Cold air intake is a mechanical tool used to bring air from lower temperature into a car’s internal-combustion engine, to amplify engine power and efficiency. It is generally a metal tube used to replace plastic air box.
Due to the property of high density of cold air than warm air, it is oftenly used into air intake system of the automobiles to get a improved combustion mix in the piston chamber. Red cold air intakes operate on the theory of amplifying the amount of oxygen per square inch available for combustion with fuel. If a car owner wants to switch from being a traditional car owner to unique car owner having special take care of his combustion engine, red cold air intake is a fine match. It provides boost in horsepower as well as superior gas mileage and torque to your car’s engine. i.e. performance parameter of red cold air intake is the heart of an air intake system. Fuel economy of the vehicle gets improved drastically as it felicitates an instant increase in horse power. It is placed in such a place from where it finds a straight route to air intake system.
Additional feature of red cold air intake is, it has tough heat shield to fight off heat from the engine. It is obtainable in two key forms. First one is metal pipeline along with insulation wrapped around it. Another one is made up of a amalgamated carbon fiber substance that naturally insulates itself.
In order to eradicate engine noise, cold air intake system is a compulsion to diminish the resistance of hot air in the engine. It is obtainable in different color and size. Viz. red cold air intake, black cold air intake, blue cold air intake and etc. and is relatively easy to install than other feat increasing modifications. In terms of specialized engineering
You can unhesitately vote five star to red cold air intake system.